this is me adding some of my media work into my as media blog on
here i am finishing the final touches to my front cover in photoshop before i start placing it into indesign, and working on my contents page and double page spread.
this is during the final stages of my as media product being finished. as you can see my frontpage has been placed into indesgin and my contents page and double page spread are almost complete.
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This is a double page spread from the kerrang magazine. the main focus of the article are the main pictures that surround the text creating a high picture-text ratio, the photos themselves are taken desaturated of colour making them fit in and continue with the colour style throughout the page with the hints of red complimenting the black and white and standing out. the title of the interview thats a quote thats been pulled from the interview is larger matching the picture size and is also slightly slanted causing it to stand out from the smaller more standard text to catch the readers eye. the may picture of gared way is place don the left, his attitude suggests that he is worn out or trying his hardest connoting the the quote "we're being the best mcr we can be"
The front cover of this metal hammer magazine is faily plain with not alot goin on though the full page picture, of what we assume as a member of slipknot as prompted by it large subheading at the bottom of the page which is red makeing it stand out from the darker background and more still the white prin on top thats clearly visable above both colours, creates major drama on the page as the picture seems realy in your face and this double page spread the layout is very simple and their is not particulaly any visable colour scheme other than the plan background and black writing with red for sub headings. the text massively out numbers the images which are farly small on the page on the far right. as the article is about solos "the art of shredding" the words themselfs seem to be on a guitar amp with guitar whires laying overtop, we assume herman li (lead guitar for dragonforce) is the one being interviewed or has a main part in it because hes picture is the bigest and is on the left at the start of the article. the article seems to be split up into different styles/tips/sections as the red lager text lets you know that its a new paragraph.
the quote "playing metal is a passion, it becomes your whole life" is the biggest text on the page, this being beside the pictures connotes that the pictures are other guitaring legends that feel playing metal is their whole life, also the words metal and passion are red making them stand out further and have some significant meaning to the person who the quote came from. the dragon force guitar picks scattered about the page also connote the genre of the magazine as well as the genre of the band which may allow relation from readers that enjoy that same genre.
The front of the magazine is bright and airy, the lite blue give a feeling of youth and life. the use of yellow with in the colour scheme realy gives the front page some pop and adds excitement as yellows is assosiated with happyness, this colour could also link to the energy with the picture background of paramore as hayley williams seeming to be jumping from the page connoting the excitement of being young and free. the words 'free' (for the posters) and 'free cd' are also in yellow standing out from the blue but drawing us in with the offer of getting free gifts as well as the magazine its self. the name rocksound, though partly covered, is still vissable and still readable, the name itself connots the genre that the magazine is based around and lets us know the type of content within the magazine without looking. i like the technique of the scribbled text at the bottom of the page, it makes it easy to fit alot of magazine content on the front page while not makeing it look cluttered or covering the main photo.
the typography of the title, i.e the multi colours, also links back to the background colour, givving that beight airy and fresh felling to the band its depicting. as well as the orange possibly linking back to the artistist hair colour.